Don't buy a Roon Nucleus


I’d wager that we all empathize and understand your frustration. So sorry that you had to deal with this, but…

… I can’t immediately think of any reason why the good people at RoonLabs - at a time when all sorts of factors surely add extra pressure - would deliberately withhold support and purposefully delay things. I suspect they were doing everything they could to resolve your ‘case’.

I agree that it’s easy to see a week as a long time when looked at from the individual’s point of view.

But - as your own experience appears to suggest - those managing have to look at the ‘big picture’.

Happy listening!

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I have never accused the support team of malice. I have merely pointed out the ways they were not helpful and the unnecessary delays I have experienced.

I can’t see how they did anything to resolve my case. It took 3 days just for them to ask me to return my suspected failed power supply (which has now been confirmed). A first response should have been provided within a day explaining the process, the information they needed, and the time it would likely take to get a replacement.

I cannot imagine what the “big picture” could be if it isn’t timely support of customers. Oh wait, yes I can: profit. This incident has alll the hallmarks of a company scrimping on support. They should never add complex, support heavy features like ARC if they cannot provide sufficient support on the basics of getting Roon running.

The listening is happy. The support experiencer is not.

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I recieved my new power supply today (purchased on Feb 15) despite the Roon store listing my order as “AWAITING SHIPMENT”. I plugged it in and powered up my Nucleus, and it’s running just fine. Now we’ll see if they will credit the purchase price back to me.

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A Story of Exemplary Customer Service

Some years ago I went to stay in the Ritz Carlton in Pentagon City. They periodically run specials for weekend stays that make them fairly affordable. The weekend cost me less than I paid for my Roon Nucleus.

At dinner, I was greeted by the maitre de by name. I still have no idea how they new my name. Do they memorize all of the customers’ names? When ordering dinner, I joked with my waiter that I’d really like a Diet Moutain Dew, of which I am overly fond. They did not have that on the menu nor available in the restaurant. Several minutes later, my waiter appeared with a can of Diet Mountain Dew for me. He had left the restaurant and gone across the street to buy one for me.

I was completely blown away! The extra large tip I left him made this the most expensive soda of my life, but it was worth every penny for the surprise and joy I felt at this level of customer service. I truly felt like someone special, making this the most luxurious experience of my life.

I do not expect any business to meet this level of service, but I do expect them to do the routine things within their power to help me out. Nothing in my experience with Roon has made me feel like a valued customer.

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With respect, empathy and good wishes for a happy Nucleus future (for all of us too!)…

… may I say: Knowing neither the specifics of your case nor the precise steps or praxis of a hardware return - from, presumably, wherever you are to, presumably, New York - I refrain from trying to understand how it was handled.

Experience has taught me, though, that expecting the best of people often elicits the best. And that attempts at public shaming (though of course that’s not what you are engaged in) usually say more about those who

than about their ‘targets’.

If the department which works on these cases may already be small, understaffed, has people off sick, is undergoing re-organization, is happily planning to expand now under new - and apparently, enthusiastic and sympathetic - management, them maybe that ‘slack’ would help?


Roon has agreed to refund the purchase price for the replacement power supply I purchased. I consider this to be the right outcome, and I’m pleased. I wish the process had gone more smoothly with better information provided; but this is the resolution I was hoping for.

My thanks to the Roon team for this outcome.


Agree. :+1:

Great service, which I would expect from Roon as a premium service with supposedly premium products, goes a long way towards reputation, customer satisfaction and retention.

Personally, wherever possible, I like to stick with companies that offer service beyond the “standard” service most others offer.

Years ago, I had what appeared to be an issue with one of the channels in my 5 channel Parasound amp. Parasound responded quickly to my email requesting assistance. They had me do some simple checks and determined indeed one of the channels was malfunctioning (slight distortion was audible sometimes). They said if I was comfortable opening up the amp (I was), it was very simple to replace the bad amp module. Despite the amp being well out of warranty, they sent a new amp module absolutely no charge and said I did not need to send back the old amp module. Now that’s outstanding service! So if someone asks me about purchasing an amp, guess what company I recommend (hopefully, under Parasound’s new ownership, they’ll continue offering outstanding service)?

Here’s hoping under new ownership, Roon’s service will rise to the level a premium brand should offer.


I’m glad your situation finally had a good outcome. Like you, I would have expected better service. Unfortunately, after reading many support threads over the years, I can’t say I’m surprised by your experience. :frowning:

Fingers crossed this will improve under Harman. :crossed_fingers: