I’ve imported many single CDs without issue; however, when I was attempting to import a double CD something weird occurred. I have 3 new CDs to import, 2 singles & 1 double, and the first one (ripped using a Small Green Computers Sonictransporter) was added to my Roon database without issue. The title, author and tracks all recorded correctly. The same non-issue rip with the second single CD. The problem occurs with the third double CD. The first disc is recognized correctly, but at the conclusion of the second disc being ripped the metadata for the first double CD disc is overwritten with "unknown artist’ data as well all the track, album art info.
Ripping CD is separate from importing into Roon isnt it, or with SonicTransporter are you seeing it as single step because my first thought would be that Cd ripping tools tend to work per disc but Roon works per release so you would want to rip both Cd’s and then add to Roon.
With the Sonictransporter one only needs slide the disc in the slot and the ripping and importing are taken care of by the, I believe, the sonicorbitor software.
My suspicion would be it would try to import into Roon after ripping first CD instead of waiting for complete release to be ripped and that could cause issue, but perhaps you should post at https://community.roonlabs.com/c/audio-products/small-green-computer
Ok, I’look give that a try.
I got the problem solved. I just needed to update the sonicorbitor software.