DSD multichannel playback via this chain? NUC+Rock HDMI out -- Oppo 103 HDMI in -- Marantz AV7704 HDMI in

@WiWavelength —Thanks for these cautions. My understanding was that if the input to the AVR Is in the form of analog input (as it would be with the output from a USB DAC or Oppo) then the DSP functions of the AVR won’t apply. Is that not correct? (For the Marantz analog line inputs I’m pretty sure all DSP options get turned off.)

Which brings up a couple of questions for me, that I’ve wondered about vaguely.

First, do those listening to Mch native DSD using non-AVR hardware eschew all DSP as well as room correction on the entire hardware chain?

And second, is there any DSP in Roon that can be done on a DSD file without triggering PCM conversion? I’ve read posts on these threads that suggest both yes and no.

Thanks for any thoughts.