I have three Pi3s with 7 inch display running RoPieee version 2074.
I decided I’d like to improve my wifi security by going to WPA3 for everything , so bought one Edimax EW-7811UTC dongle to test out before buying all three.
It shows up in the RoPieee webpage setting - Wireless - Interface: Realtek Edimax AC600 USB.
Unfortunately, I cannot get this to work with WPA3
Watching the screen on bootup it gets to “waiting for internet connection” and sits there for a long time and then fails, eventually ending up at the “Connection Failure” screen. If I change the setting in my access point to WPA2, and then reboot, it will then connect up straight away.
Hopefully this feedback will be of some use - Here I’ve booted the Pi up and left it sitting at the *waiting for internet connection" for a while, and then plugged in an ethernet cable to get a connection.
Sorry. My mistake. I did read that. But before I stopped to lookup what the Edimax dongle was, I got carried away on the WPA3 thing.
Having said that, the only posts that mention the Edimax EW-7811UTC dongle as working on this forum predate the introduction of the kernel which supported the RPi5 (which was the initial cause of the WPA3 issues).
Maybe the driver for the Edimax device suffers the same (or similar) issues as the onboard WiFi. I don’t know.