Embedded lyrics

Would love this “feature” as well. Shouldn’t be that hard to just read the lyrics tag from a song, and make it available for the user to view, when Roon already are able to read almost every other tag.

Please this! If Roon could read the lyrics in the LYRICS tag, it would be really amazing.

+1 lyrics tab.
99% of not english music DO NOT have lyrics in roon. italian music is very very poor…

+1 for being able to Add/Edit Lyrics, and to choose whether Roon or File metadata will be used.

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Is this new? I’m pretty sure I never saw this before. If that’s true, they must have been listening to everyone’s suggestions for improving lyrics usability.

I agree, I wish it would be easier accessible. Integrate it with the lyric button on the player’s controls, and allow us to edit lyrics and add them.

Thanks a lot for posting this! Finally there’s at least a way to view embedded lyrics in Roon.

So why cant the ability to add lyrics manually to a track be added when we can edit other things about a track?


I would like to join this feature request:
+1 for being able to Add/Edit Lyrics, and to choose whether Roon or File metadata will be used.

I still have to use SoundHound 75% of the time to get lyrics.
At least they are free.

Please do better with base features of the product.

What would you like to see ?


80% of the time I want to see them Roon doesn’t have them. And this seeming insistence about not displaying lyrics embedded in the file tags is incomprehensible.


Sixty percent of the tracks in my collection have lyrics, so I’m fairing better than you. However, I think this would increase if there was a way to associate lyrics already available for alternate versions. That is, remasters, live recordings, alternative editions, various artists collections etc.

There is, I imagine it involves linking song title and composer metadata across all albums in your library - hopefully Roon’s metadata produces a better outcome in time. There are presently way, way too many instances of a track performed by an artist not having accompanying composer metadata whilst the same track performed by the same artist has composer metadata attached elsewhere in your library. I understand reluctance to make inferences because done incorrectly it can result in garbage metadata, but applied carefully it should greatly enhance linkages across one’s collection, including lyrics.

In the meantime I’ve resorted to exporting tags to a database and using SQL to make the composer links across my library then write back changes to the underlying file metadata.

I just wish there was an option of editing the lyrics. Too often I’m seeing mistakes in lyrics and have nothing to do about it.

It is already possible now, so I guess they listened to all the complaints.

You have to go to View File info -> File Tags.

I wish they integrated it with the lyric button though.

Hey @Miracle1980 @latenz @thojac @Nat_Kurosaki @Mark_Hyland @Ru_Ma @Bill_Janssen @Niccolo_Terzi @hammer and others – we’re getting ready to do some work in this area, and we’re looking for feedback.

I’ve merged a few threads here and I’m locking this thread so feedback stays in one place, but it would be great if everyone let us know what you think here:
