Empty Playlists After Migration from MacBook to Nucleus One

I just migrated from my MacBook to Nucleus one and transfered all music files from the MacBook to the internal storage of the Nucleus and restored a backup from my MacBook on the Nucleus one.

All my albums are there and and all playlists and playlist folders are there. But only Qobuz-playlists are running. All playlist consisting of my own music files are empty (error message “This playlist is empty”), although the corresponding music files are on the internal storage of the Nucleus and can be played by roon without any problems.

I spent a lot of time on the problem the last days without finding a solution. I formatted the internal hard disk several times, removed and reinstalled it, restored the backup and performed forced rescan of the internal cache several times.

Conclusion: Help/support is well appreciated

Did you follow the directions in the Migrating to Nucleus FAQ? Not doing them in the correct order can complicate things.

Before copying any music to the new Nucleus, you need to backup the database on the old server, and then restore on the new nucleus and then do the steps below. I’ve copy/pasted the relevant parts.

Internal Storage

If you’re moving your library to the internal storage of Nucleus there are some additional steps that need to be taken to ensure that you library properly migrates with all edits in place. If you need help formatting your internal storage, please see our guide on the subject.

  1. Go to Settings > Storage and disable all current watched folders except Internal Storage. To do this, select the 3 dots next to the storage location and then choose Disable.

  2. Access the Web Administration Interface and stop the Roon Server Software.

  3. Copy your files to the internal storage of Nucleus.

  4. Once the transfer is complete, return to the Web Administration Interface and restart the Roon Server Software.

  5. Roon will go through the process of identifying the files from your Internal Storage and match them to your existing Roon library.

Thank you very much for your fast answer.

For importing the files to the internal storage I used “Drag and Drop” method. Therefore the Roon Server Software was not stopped during the transfer of the music files.

If you think it solves the problem I will format the internal storage again, do a factory reset of the Nucleus and start from scratch: Restoring backup and going through steps 1 to 5 mentioned in your answer.
I would appreciate if you have some detailed advice how to transfer the music (approx. 2500 albums) while the Roon Server Software is stopped.

The key trick is to very carefully match the relative file paths to your file location/“watched folder” and edit the file location once you’ve restored a backup rather than add a new one.

See, for instance, the details I’m trying to explain in this other thread:

(Geoff and I are disagreeing about specific scenarios where this applies - you are in the one where it does)

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First of all thank you very much for your explanation and support, Johnny_Ooooops.

I restored the backup again. But I was not able via “edit” to change the file location from “Nucleus One > Macintosh HD > Users >…> Music” to “Nucleus One Internal Storage”. (If this is possible in general I would be grateful for a hint how to do this.)

Therefore I would like to execute the 5 steps mentioned by Rugby aka Daniel. But here I wonder how to copy the files in step 3. As far as I know “Drag and Drop” does not work while Roon Server is stopped. Detailed advice - how to copy the files to the internal storage of the Nucleus while the Roon Server Software is stopped - would be well appreciated.