Enhanced Social Media Sharing (stable album and track URL links)

This is an option on the iPhone (probably iPad too), but not on the Mac version.

Roon hosted page / feature to allow users to share recommendations (albums / tracks) with friends

Inspired by this post

I wondered if Roon could create a hosted webpage (ie. share.roon.com/34554) that listed the album/track along with a list of links to open it in each the major streaming platforms as a way to allow Roon users to share recommendations with friends using other streaming platforms.

All the major streaming services have APIs to perform track/album lookups against by name and the results could easily be cached on the Roon servers if desired.

You could then simply share that public, Roon hosted page with your friends.

Free advertising for Roon too if the page containing the links was branded :slight_smile:

Apologies for the crude mockup, but basically something like this hosted on share.room.com (or a similar public facing domain).

The APIs needed to achieve this level of integration — namely a best guess, based on a search of the Album title and Artist — are available for all the major streaming services.

(admitted this might not deal with specific versions, but as the adage goes ‘perfection is the enemy of progress’. Better to start somewhere and solve the primary use case for 99% of users)

Functionally similar to this SongWhip page mentioned further up in the thread.

Simply implementing a single / simple cut & paste’able box containing the all the text about the tracks/album, along with an imgur.com link to the artwork in the same text box, would be a major improvement over what we have now.

At least we could quickly cut & paste the contexts of that box into a txt message to a friend, and they could then cut & past the text out again and search for it in Google.

Having the text hardcoded in the image means a users can’t even quickly search for the track themselves, which pretty much renders the current feature unfit for purpose.

Its insane Roon doesn’t provide this function.
Surely Roon could grab the URL to the direct Qobuz, or Tidal album or Track for sharing.
Sharing album or track info from Roon should be a priority fix.

Forget about social media integration.

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+1 for this. Tidal handles this really nicely with a link to multiple other services. All of my friends are neanderthals still using Spotify, so this kind of link sharing is really useful, e.g.: The Final Battle by Warwolf on TIDAL

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