Error accessing RoPieee web interface using IP address

I just send feedback from within my RoPieee web interface (Pi 4), it returned a request tyo mention it in the Roon Forum. I’m not sure if this the right place to mention my problem, but it’s the only option I can find.

77df0d0c670cf474 - My issue is that I can’t access my RoPieee web interface through their IP addresses, only by entering the hostnames.

The error message is: “Page Not Found! Something must have gone wrong…”
There’s a button saying: “GO HOME” but that just keeps redirecting to the same error.

Is this a known bug?


No, accessing it with an IP should just work. And on my units is works…

Your logs show however, that the page ‘/cgi-bin/about.cgi’ is being accessed on the RoPieee, which does not exist, which results in a 404 (Page Not Found).

Can you clear your browser cache? And make sure you access only the IP address?

Oh. One more thing: have you played with picoreplayer? On this same unit?

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That solved it, it was a weird autocomplete bug in my browser. And yes I have played with picoreplayer on this same unit as you suggested in your other post. Now both IP and hostname work fine, thanks for pointing me in this direction!

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