Error in author name

In this album :slight_smile:

They have the author listed as Fredinand Fisher and it should be Ferdinand Fisher.


Thanks for reporting. This was an error on MusicBrainz. I’ve made some edits, but there’s a 7 day approval period and then time for the corrected metadata to propagate down to your library.

Ferdinand Fischer was a 17th century composer, and I would argue that he shouldn’t be listed as Primary Artist and Album Artist on this album. The only performing primary artist and album artist is the lutenist Hubert Hoffmann.

Actually @Andreas_Philipp1, we have code to undo MusicBrainz’s composer-as-album-artist style. I’m reasonably sure that the misspelling would have prevented this code working. Fixing the spelling will probably sort this out; and if it doesn’t, I’ll take a look at why.

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