Examine the feasibility of setting up servers in China

As a Chinese user, since logging in to the revision last year, it has been very inconvenient to use ronn, and even I can’t perform some operations using vpn. Since yesterday, my roon core has been unable to search for updates, arc can’t connect to extranet, tidal can’t log in, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to log in to roon’s own account. I hope your company can study the Chinese market and see if you can set up a separate server for Chinese users to bring a better software experience. I think if this problem is solved, more Chinese users will buy roon subscriptions.


Did no one discuss this?
The Chinese market is a vast one, but the current user experience is rather poor.

My roon has become a completely offline program. I tried many ways to get arc to work again. Now my roonrore can only log in with vpn. Even so, I can no longer get metadata updates from roon’s servers. I think my patience with this software is running out.

The problem seems to be, as far as I know (and we investigated this at work for similar reasons) that you can only put a server inside the Great Firewall if you have a legal business presence in the PRC, and this comes with a long string of things attached.