EXT4FS internal drive not recognized

I just finished another ROCK install. I have a 6Tb WD Red which is formatted in DietPi x86 with an EXT4 file system. Problem is, ROCK finds the drive but claims it needs to be formatted.
I would prefer not having to restore the 5Tb of data on this drive if possible.

What might cause ROCK not to recognize an EXT4 internal harddrive?
(ROCK is installed on a Samsung 970 EVO Plus m.2 NVMe in the computer)

from https://kb.roonlabs.com/Roon_Optimized_Core_Kit

  • Internal storage (for music content) WILL be reformatted, so don’t put your music on it and expect it to work… you will need to copy your music to it via the network share exposed, or via Roon drag/drop import

Alright, lets copy some files then… :slight_smile:

Just let me rephrase the question:
Can a ROCK formatted internal drive be used in another Linux environment without the need of reformatting?

yup, it sure can… you can format it in rock, power off, move it, mount it in new linux system, copy, then put it back… it’ll be EXT4

nothing super magic about this, its just not written to support this workflow for ease-of-use in the common cases – part of the magic of simplicity due to being “opinionated”.

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