Favorite headphones and why?

Hi Daniel if you want a site that is all about headphones try http://www.head-fi.org/ .
Oh and Rugby is my Favourite game too but then I am from NZ please get in touch I am Paul
Not sure if I am allowed to leave my email address but email if is allowed
Yours Paul B.

If your budget can take it, I am very pleased with the Focal Utopia. Very pleased is an understatement. This is the first headphone I have heard that I feel that is letting me hear everything my amp and DAC are doing. For closed back I am a fan of the Fostex TH900, but they are little prominent in the bass. In the budget you appear to have available there are a number of really good choices and most of them come down to how well they fit your taste in music and the equipment you feed them with.

Considering you like closed headphones, you may be interested by this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuEeTkQgGr4

I love the sound of my NAD VISO HP50 headphones. They’re also easy to drive with portable devices. They got a great review on innerfidelity.com.

My wife does not appreciate some of my musical tastes so I often listen to my music through closed back headphones.

I use Audeze LCD-XC for the majority of my headphone listening and HD800 for listening to classical music when the wife is out.

The LCD-XC replaced my Audio Technica ATH w1000x due to IMO a better overall sound balance.
Both the LCD-XC and ATHw1000x are fine closed back headphones.

The LCD-XC is heavy. I’ve made my LCD-XC considerably more comfortable by replacing the supplied leather ear pads with leather free ear pads and a headband support from http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audeze-Unofficial-Premium-Leather-Head-Comfort-Head-Cushion-Upgrade-/182370225309?hash=item2a761ccc9d:g:mgEAAOSwawpXud5e
I also replaced the Audeze cable with a Qaudio balanced cable that is considerably more flexible and lighter.

My headphone system consists of the following:
NUC i7, Roon, HQ Player, Lampizator L4G5 (balanced), MRendu , Woo Audio WA22, Audeze LCD XC, Senn HD800

I bought a pair of B&W P7 wireless headphones recently and I’m loving them. I find them very natural and open - but I may well be B&W biased - I have a few B&W products.

They’re light and comfortable but also feel substantial - a tricky balance.

They sound marginally better wired (as do most things) but the convenience of wireless is great. I live in an inner-city flat, with neighbours above and below, so they’ve extended my quality listening time into the small hours.

I use Oppo PM-1s driven by an Oppo HA-1 and am amazed every time I put them on - and I have had them for a year. Listening to Paul Simon’s “Obvious Child” on the Rhythm of the Saints album (96/24) as I type this and the drum set is absolutely amazing. That album is recommended regardless of what headphones you have but especially if yours have exceptional midrange clarity.

I listen to my music primarily through headphones - for over-ear, I have the MrSpeakers Ether C (non-Flow edition). Amazing closed-back with amazing detail-retrieval and as good of a soundstage as you can get with closed cans. It’s also much lighter than the Audeze LCD-XC (I can wear for hours and don’t even feel them) and has a very neutral sound signature. Only “criticism” (I wouldn’t even call it that) is that they’re a touch bass-light, especially if you’re used to the Audeze slam.

For on-the-go, I have the JH Audio Angie’s (v1) IEM’s, which I love. Also a very neutral sound.

Added a set of Audeze LCD-3’s yesterday… waiting on my Jotunheim to get listening. :relaxed:

Enjoy! The Jotun is a magnificent piece of engineering! (Have one with phono input)
And the Audeze’s aren’t so bad either! :wink:

Sennheiser HD800’s with the HDVA 600 amp in balanced mode. Couldn’t be happier.

My first set of quality headphones were a pair of Audeze LCD2s which I enjoyed thoroughtly. However I was finding I wasn’t listening to them as often as I wanted due to the weight and sweaty head syndrome from the leather pads. I recently picked up a pair of Beyerdynamic T1 second generation HP’s and really enjoy them. The comfort factor alone was worth the switch! I still have the LCDs but they don’t seem to be getting much use.

I personally prefer the Audeze LCD-XC. Yes, they are heavy. I found the default headband would only be comfortable for about an hour before I can really feel the pressure on my head. I replaced the headband wit the carbon fiber/suspension type headband that’s used on the LCD-4 and it is completely comfortable now.

now on HiFiman HE400S very happy.

This is on again… I actually bought 650s a couple of years back on your recommendation and I love them. Might get a second set…

A slight diversion but is there a networked roon endpoint that is just a headphone amp?

In response to my own post from two years ago, i have since added;
Focal Utopia and Fostex TH-900, both excellent but quite different.
A Chord Hugo and a Hugo TT has been added as well as a Simaudio Moon 430HAD.
Favourite combos?
Utopia and Hugo TT is very entertaining in a highly lit way, just like my Hifiman HE1K gels with the Moon 430HAD via balanced cabling! I’m a very lucky dude!

The Chord Mojo + Poly?

Oh ok ta, I’ll go look.

The Poly is a defective-by-design product, supporting 2.4GHz only. In urban areas, that spectrum is so oversaturated as to be useless. (Where I live, 65% of the 2.4GHz duty cycle is consumed by SSID beacons, not even real data transfer…)