Feature: Listen Later features

Hi all, I’m aware that many people would like to mark an album for later exploration. I’ve seen two solutions: Create a playlist in which to add the albums you’d like to listen later, and tag the album using some tag to signify that you want to check it out later.

I think this is actually a huge part of exploring music. We can only listen to one song at once but sometimes the appetite for exploration is much larger than that so we stuff albums into playlists or other not ideal ways to mark an album as “to be explored”.

Here’s one issue I have with the playlist method. Right now I have a listen later playlist. You don’t have to have the album in your library to add it to the playlist, so favoriting a song is not possible from the playlist.

What I’d like is to be able to say "hey this ■■■■ slaps, I’m gonna add it my favorites right away then get back to what it was I was doing.

To do that now, what you have to do is the following:

  1. go to the album.

  2. Tap the plus button to add it to your library.

  3. See if that little circle ever stops spinning.

    3a. If it does, congratulations, you can go to the song that you liked and then click the heart.

    3b. If it doesn’t stop spinning, you can click the home button.

     3b1. go to the recently added section
     3b2. Click the album you just added to your library
     3b3. Click the heart next to the song you liked
     3b4. And finally, forget entirely what you were doing before endeavoring to add a song you like to your Roon library

There must be a better way! A dedicated listen later list of albums/songs would be a very “roonish” feature. Furthermore, I can’t think of a better place to source future suggestions. If it’s already in your listen later, resurfacing stuff you’ve added there is a very obvious UX plus. Let’s say I have a huge library but I don’t really know what to listen to - how about a genre view of the music you have marked to explore later? I know my personal listen later has experimental classic, 90s hip hop, a stupid variety of electronic genres, jazz from duke Ellington to blk odyssey. I may be more in the mood for some Nas than Harry Partch one day. A genre explorer dedicated to your listen later list would be really marvelous.

There’s a lot of potential to take the albums that we’ve mark to explore later and give us a way to explore that list and start to consume the stuff we were very eager to listen to but didn’t have the time.

Roon, show me the album I have marked for later in order of date originally released. Show me by genre. how about by artist? how about pick one for me at random because I simply can’t make up my mind?

Like I said, there’s a ton of potential for a “roonish” solution. Having an appetite for music that’s larger than what one can consume concurrently is a universal thing. We have a great opportunity to turn this “problem” into a joyful experience!

Edit: something else that would benefit from having a dedicated Discovery list: Say you finish listening to an album on the list, you could have the option to rate it yourself - did you like it, was it meh? Will it be going on heavy rotation?

This is exactly what I do in Roon now.

I add any album that I want to check out later, adding the “discovery” tag. When I want to listen to some new music I use focus to filter albums by:

Discovery tag
The genre / sub genre I want to explore.

Sometimes I filter by picks (quick to listen to as the best tracks have been highlighted) or even the rating (editorial rating can highlight the popular albums).

It’s really useful having that focus feature because when I used to do this on Tidal or Spotify, I’d have to download the album (so I knew it wasn’t part of my actual library) and there was no good way of filtering them down.

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This is a pretty nice solution! I like using discovery as the key word here as that really is the goal of the entire endeavor. Some priority would be nice too like, I find a song I really like but don’t want to switch over the album immediately and want to give it proper attention. I’d love to add to the discovery list with a priority of 1, meaning I was really excited to explore it.

I see these as pretty good solutions but I think the goal of discovering music by adding albums and such to a queue is so universal that a built in solution would be something very much worth exploring.

let’s take for example the now playing queue. That’s definitely not always been a thing and because of the universality of it, all streaming players have it now. Winamp used to have the best implementation of this is you ever used it: It sat there on the side and you could see everything that was already played and what was coming next.

I think discovery being one of the most joyous things about listening to music, a more dedicated approach to it has the potential to be really wonderful.

I do like your method though, I may do that now instead of my giant listen later playlist. And discovery, that was the word I was looking for.

Cheers :slight_smile:

You can assign priority tags.

You can add track tags:

Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3


Go to the tracks screen, sort by album artist and focus on the tags:

Priority 1

That way you can prioritise which ones you want to check out first. Not as good as having an editable field but hey, it works.

I have no doubt you are right that if the Roon team had a look at this and built a solution it would probably be fantastic I just find I can do everything I need to using Focus and Tags.

You can also generate a Bookmark on the Tag to get back to “Discovery” easier. B

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Agreed. I know there are ways to save music to listen to later, but this is an entire area of the music exploration and enjoyment experience and is ripe for UX/HCI exploration! But yes I think I’ll move to your system of tagging. After I finish my 1000+ track listen later playlist :grin:

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Ah nice, that’s also a good point.

So until the team wants to look into a more robust experience, this seems like the best method:

  1. Add album to library
  2. Tag album using “Discovery”, and if you like “Discovery 1, 2 ,3” etc to emphazise priorities or excitement to listen
  3. add a bookmark to you “Discovery” tags to access more easily.

I like this much better than playlists as you’ll be able to like songs as you listen

You can also Tag Tags. Meaning, if you create a Tag called Priority 1, you can just Tag the Tag with Discovery and when you click on Discovery Tag it would be filled with the grouped other Tags.

Like this…

In the pic above, I have two tags “hidden” and “Test_Track” that I apply to the actual music. Then I have a “TagOTag” that I have applied to the previous tags. When I then click on TagOTags, it gives me the other tags separated. Then in the future, I just need to tag something “hidden” or “Test_Track”, I don’t need to add multiple Tags, nor, do I need to use Focus to go between the different tag groups.

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This is confusing lol. Ok I’m gonna try to simplify:

you have a parent tag “tagotag”

Then you have sub tags call “hidden” and “test_track”

You select the hidden and test track tags, and add the ‘tagotag’ tag to them. That way when you view tag o tag, it’s a list of the subtags?

Is that about right?

Here’s an example, I have a tag called mixes. I use this to group all of my mix tags:

When I listen to a track I add it to one of these mix tags, like the dinner tag.

If I go to focus and focus on Mixes (the tag I use to group all of the mix tags), it’ll show all the tracks that are tagged with Beach, Dinner etc.

If I want to get all of the mixes but exclude let’s say, the Noise mix tag I can focus on:

Not Noise


Yes, just make up some fake test tags and experiment with it before using it in a full scale model. Tags can tag, well a lot, btw.

As a side note, you can put a tag on albums, tracks, genres, artists, composers, compositions, other tags.

Very Robust! I’ll look into ways to utilize that for an enhanced experience.

Btw, would you mind putting this into the feature suggestions forum? I didn’t see it when I added the post.

I like this!

Now I’m just going to add a vanilla discovery bookmark, and a bookmark for the high priority tags


Done, don’t forget to vote at the top now.

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I’d also like to share a very robust solution I found in the forums. It’s robust but it’s quite complicated. But can probably be mixed in with the tag solution to let you view all those tagged as discovery that don’t have any plays!

There are some good solutions here. What I’d love to see is for this to be as effortless and frictionless as possible. I know the team at Roon is capable of making something wonderful to address this very common use case :slight_smile:

That’s another good solution, just didn’t work for me.

Sometimes I’ll listen to an album on Qobuz or something else (Bandcamp too), which means the play count isn’t captured in Roon.

Obviously if you listen to everything in Roon then that is a good option.