Feature Request: Stop Roon Server on Demand

I run Roon Server on an M1 Mac mini.

I would like the ability to be able to gracefully close down the Roon Server, as opposed to having to go into Activity Monitor and kill: Roon Server, Roon Appliance and RAATServer.

This is a basic function that should be available so that Roon can be completely closed down in an orderly manner.

Put it in as a feature request in the feature request section.

Or use launchctl to control the Roon service. (I no longer use macOS but assume this is still how macOS starts | stops | loads services.)

I’ve moved your post to the Feature Suggestions category of the forum. Don’t forget to vote for your own suggestion by using the Vote button.

Thanks, I have run out of votes now, otherwise I would. :slightly_smiling_face: