Feature to locate other Qobuz versions of "Unavailable" tracks

Just Qobuz - although Tidal will also remove albums AFAIK.

I just tested this and it works well. I found 4 albums that had been replaced on Qobuz. I can’t tell if the result list is complete though. This pretty much solves my issue, so I’m curious why it “won’t work for much longer”? Also, “not easy to implement”? It seems like a solution is already in place!

I believe it’s because there are now regular updates of the complete database coming through that will silently update the releases. So you are only likely to catch albums that are replaced between the updates.

Previously, it was incremental updates, so that the list of unavailable albums would reach back further in time.

And complete database updates have been implemented to address another issue that needed resolving. You win some and you lose some…

You know if Roon devs would like users to bring pressure to bare directly with Qobuz on these issues, (which are obviously a result of Qobuz moving albums out of then back into the database with different catalogue numbers) then I am sure we would be happy to bring the issue up in support emails? Or better still, if Roon could think about the future of streaming and maybe start inroads into offering their own service then problems like this wouldn’t arise would they?

I mean if Presto Music can launch a classical and jazz streaming service on top of their regular CD and download options, then I’m sure it can’t be that hard technically? Just a thought!

Dear Roon developers,
Can you please, please resolve this (too long) outstanding issue.
This is impacting the pleasure and usability.
I do not use Roon to start acting as an administrator maintaining versions that seem not available anymore, but in reality are still available.
Yes, it may be complicated, but that is not the point. Of course this can be solved.
It is about giving it the required priority.
Is the advice from the Roon developers to cancel the Qobuz subscription and subscribe to Tidal?
That is also OK for me, but just advise on how to resolve this for the end-user.
Thank you. I like Roon a lot.
Best, Paul

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I don’t want to be mean to Roon developers, who have done an amazing job with the software - BUT - these huge improvements that take many months to bring to fruition such as ARC and multi- language support and of course opening up new markets abroad with new streaming services, really have little use for me at all.

I use Roon in the hifi listening room exclusively, I speak English and I stream from Qobuz, so for the last few years I can’t think of a single new feature that has addressed the many ‘tiny’ improvements that would make Roon so much better for me… these aren’t big things, certainly they can’t be bigger than a whole new streaming service implemented, or ARC!!

So, like many users I will be using Roon anyway, because there isn’t an alternative and I love it… but what about taking a few months off introducing these ‘big new features’ and spending the time on the ‘many’ niggles often mentioned here on the community? Hey? What you reckon?

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Four months later, this still works for me. I just found another 33 albums that have been replaced or removed by Qobuz.