Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?
Grouped the incomplete file import with the existing Qobuz album
Is the album identified in Roon?
yes, partially and full
Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?
Mixes, local and Qobuz
Screenshot of import settings
Description of the issue
- Added the album files too early with two songs of eleven songs
- Grouped it with the Qobuz version to keep the play counter
- Added missing songs - nothing happend (also not after reloading)
- Removed the album
- Added with a new folder name and several other tries
Result: I have now three albums of the same name, one with 2 songs, on with 4 songs and one complete. The ones with 2 and 4 songs are now hidden. The complete import has now one play for each song, but I didn’t played it.
There’s always something left in the database after deleting. Deleting of albums where the songs are deleted is also not possible.
I don’t want to use a full cleanup because that feature is only possible togehter with missing Qobuz album which I want to keep in the library.
I addition, it’s not possible to transfer the tags, genres and other changed meta data from the old version in the library to the new version in a user friendly way,