FIOS Router G3100 Port Forwarding Instructions (single-router setup)

I have FIOS Fiber-Optic internet service. Using G3100 Router/Modem. using NUCLEUS server
I was getting poor and no-connect issues using ROON ARC in my car.
5- steps cured the issue perfectly !!!

  1. You need to change the SECURITY level to LOWER
  2. Create a new PORT-FORWARDING entry use TCP only…not BOTH
  3. If you can, make your ROON SERVER a STATIC IP address
    4.UNINSTALL the ROON ARC app form your iPhone or Android phone and reinstall app
  4. reboot your Roon Server

Now Roon Arc connect perfectly remotely. It even remembers the previous track played when yo ulog into your Roon Arc next time away form home. It starts immediately…Cover Art also pops up immediately as if I was home.
Mike S.


Hi @mike_siegel,

Thank you for taking the time to share your solution with the Community. No doubt other G3100 users will find this useful, so I’m moving it to ARC: Port Forwarding Resources.

As a note for new Roon users who might encounter this thread: we tend to only recommend assigning Roon a static local IP address in the router settings when users are deeply familiar with their network setup. If performed incorrectly this step can render the Roon Server machine invisible to the network -it’s quite difficult to get it back when this happens.