Fixed IP address for Roon Core

Using a MacMini Pro M2 16GB 2TB.

I’d like to be able to create a fixed IP address for my core. Is that possible?


Fixed IP addresses are typically set in the router. Look for manual for your model for instructions.

True… some/most routers will allow you to set a current DHCP reservation to Static so the lease will never expire to the associated MAC address.

They all have different but similar approaches on the router side.

Mac OS has a dropdown menu in the TCP/IP settings that allows you to use DHCP with a manual address which will also accomplish what @John_Christopher1 is trying to achieve.

I’m well aware of this MacOS feature. Without setting a static IP in the router there is a risk that the router will reassign the IP if the router restarts.

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yup… I found that if you are using the manually assigned ip with dhcp, if your router limits the range of dhcp leases, staying outside of that range is good practice.

In the end, best bet is to assign a Hostname and Static IP address to a MAC address at the router level.

Of course, the common danger is that users forget about it and the static IP creates address collisions later if things change in the network.

Generally, for regular users and if there isn’t a strong requirement for a static address on the device, I‘d recommend DHCP reservations if a fixed IP is actually needed at all

I can’t speak for Adguard, but I’ve never had problems with PiHole in my network, which uses reserved addresses exclusively.

I also don’t know how Adguard or PiH would even know how a device got its address

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Ah, yes, and PiHole quite clearly says that DHCP reservation is one way to achieve a static IP address.

I follow the KISS principle wherever possible - mixing DHCP reservations and manually assigned static addresses on clients in the same network just seems like a recipe for disaster to me, and completely unnecessary complexity.

So much unnecessary BS and over-engineering in this thread, mostly from some trying to show how technical they are.

@John_Christopher1, reserve the IP you want in your router software (and do nothing on your Mac) and let it go at that.

That will accomplish what you want to accomplish.


Thanks everyone! I think I can take it from here.


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