Hi. I been trying to fixed my problem with IOS ARC cannot sync with Roon vs Android.
Support already asked me to reinstall Roon ARC. Finally, today, I seem to fix the problem
- enable & disable storage, 8k to 330k of albums
- First Time sync keep faling
- Tried 4G, and WIFI in the same network
- Changed BroadBand router, Changed SIM for mobile devices
Finally to make IOS work, I used a USB C to Ethernet adapter, and connected my iPhone 16 and it took an hour to sync, and everything works now.
On the same provider on4G & 5G from Singapore and even in Indonesia, Android (4 year old phone) works… when Iphone 16 cannot work. Last year, my iPhone 13 stop working after upgrading to IOS 17… since then, I have tried many months since Oct 2024.
Hope Support can confirm this info and put into FAQ…
Now I will monitor and see how long my IOS will stay working on Wifi & 4G