Flag Album as Needing Attention / Reimport

I was away from home this weekend and using ARC while in an AirBnb. I came across an album in my local files that was missing a few tracks. I have the CD at home and need to re-rip it. It would be nice if I could have flagged the album there and then so that when I got home I hadn’t forgotten which specific album it was.

Any reason you chose not to create a tag or add the album to Listen Later?

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You could look back at your playback history to tickle your memory.

I am away from home so I can check it… but isn’t there some focus option to show albums with non-consecutive tracks?

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Good call, @Arlen. I forgot about this. Focus > INSPECTOR > Contiguous tracks. This shows both absent and duplicated tracks. You need to invert the selection (red.)

It looks like I need to do some housekeeping. :slight_smile:

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