For all the members of my tribe

When I set his first pc up for my very, very left handed father he started using the mouse right handed but with left handed buttons. :sweat_smile:

Fellow leftie checking in! I never knew we had our own day! Iā€™ll have to mark it on my right handed calendar, using my right handed pen with right handed ink of course. sigh :upside_down_face:

I use a left handed mouse with right handed buttons, it gets complicated :rofl:

I havenā€™t used a mouse in years, but when I did, I always used a right handed mouse with my left hand. The world is made for right-handed people. I can hardly use something as simple as a pair of scissors.

When I started playing drums, my instructor (and band director) set my drums up in a left-handed orientation. I soon switched back to a right-handed setup. I was a pretty fair drummer ā€œback in the day,ā€ but often wonder if I should have kept the left-handed setup, primarily for primary foot on bass drum pedal?

I share your frustrations. :100:

How about any time you have to use a cord attached implement to electronically sign something?

We had very few left-handed desk in school.

Yes, but itā€™s so much fun to watch a righty try to use it!!!


In my CAD 3D modelling days for Rover/BMW I trained myself to use the mouse left handed, it was easier to use my right hand for keyboard shortcuts, scribbling notes/sketches and drinking tea :grinning:

We were able to configure the buttons for proper LH use though.

I was told in grade 2 if I didnā€™t learn to write with my right I would be kicked from school. Didnā€™t work. Still a leftie!

Ok, while making breakfast I was reminded of another frustration that I can never get right on the first try. (excuse me for using the word ā€˜rightā€™ when I meant ā€˜correctā€™)

The first untwist of a twist tie thatā€™s been twisted by a factory machine designed by a right hander.

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