Frequent Playback Interruptions in Roon ARC with Qudelix 5K (ref#3FAJ4B)

Thanks @connor . I am on 1497 and ARC 334, are the logs there? Just asking if I should start noting the interruptions, or wait for next build.

I am afraid this will auto close :), still experiencing the issues. Let me know when it makes sense to report them.

Hi @Rp1984,

Development has added some verbose logging to help isolate this issue to either a) connectivity or b) the audio transport when connected to the Qudelix

Please reproduce the issue at least once at your convenience and share the timestamp here. We’ll look into diagnostics promptly and we should have more clarity as to what’s causing the problem here.

Thank you!

Thank you. I’ve had a chance to reproduce few interruptions during the weekend:

Jan 31 - 21:22 - started playback at home on wifi, went for errands. The playback stopped after first song, the phone was already for some time connected to 5g.
Jan 31 - 21:34 - mobile payment at shop. There was a notification about payment. When I started ARC again, it was loading.

Feb 1 - 16:37 - started playback at home on wifi, went for errands. The playback stopped after first song
Feb 1 - 20:24 - playback interrupted
Feb 1 - 20:25 - playback interrupted
Feb 1 - 20:37 - interrupted during whatsapp use
Feb 1 - 20:38 - interrupted while typing note about interruption into Google Keep
Feb 1 - 20:39 - interrupted
Feb 1 - 20:40 - interrupted while running speedtest (kind of expected interrupt, I wanted to check if there is some issue with network connection - measured 193Mbps download speed)
Feb 1 - 20:41 - interrupted while typing a note
Feb 1 - 20:51 - interrupted while using public transport app to look at next bus time, I just brought other app to foreground
Feb 1 - 20:55 - interrupted while using phone (my notes do not say why…)

Feb 2 - 17:37 - started playback at home on wifi, went for errands. The playback stopped after first song

Interesting is that Feb 1 and Feb 2 was effectively the same test, same area, me traveling from home to city center and back at the same time. Yet on Feb 2, there was no issues.

There is nicely reproducible case of network switch causing interruption after a track finishes. I always start playback at home on Wifi and leave. It stops after first track, looks like it can’t play the next track as network changed.

Another observation is that it seems even a light phone use correlates with the interruptions.

And another observation is that when things go sideways, they tend to stay like that for some time… like Feb 1 was quite a disaster, while Feb 2 was fine.

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Thank you @Rp1984 for a very thorough report.

We should have what we need to proceed at this point. I’ll post here as soon as I have further conclusions and next steps from engineering. We’re very grateful for your willingness to work with us to pin this down.

Thanks, I am glad to help. My hope is it will be more than just Qudelix related issue and will help to more users.

Today I’ve realized there is more to the wifi → 5g transition while leaving home: after the issue, the status bar said “Nothing playing”, so ARC lost track of the fact that there was an album playing. This does not happen with “standard interruption” where it looks more like pause that usually gets automatically resumed when ARC is brought back to foreground.

Feb 3 - 18:04 - interrupted in the kitchen four meters from wifi router - this is new
Feb 3 - 18:08 - that “wifi → 5g” transition interruption after left home
Feb 3 - 18:34 - interrupted during whatsapp use

I’ll stop tracking the issues now and will patiently wait for an update.

Hi @Rp1984,

Thank you for sharing this particular anecdote. The symptoms here resemble a known issue under scrutiny by engineering - we should be releasing connectivity improvements soon that alleviate this behavior.

In the meantime, there’s a separate initiative to investigate the playback issue with the Qudelix. We’ll provide updates to both as promptly as possible here.

Thanks again!