FS: Mjölnir Audio PureBipolar headphone amp (now with images)

Mjölnir Audio - PureBipolar headphone amp

Bought direct from Spritzer in Iceland, used ONCE then packed up again in OVP. It’s truly a great amp.

Stereophile review:

"First impression: This amp kicks ass! The bass has strength and solidity, is fat yet defined, resembling the loudspeaker sound far more than any of the previous amps. The Mjolnir’s extreme high end seems slightly muted, but perhaps that is most accurate to the source. I will need to do a detailed check against the speakers when the opportunity arises. Keep in mind that I tuned my LCD-4 EQ using the Bipolar so this is definitely a biased review!

In the Mjolnir, Lindsey’s voice is simultaneously warm and clear and the instruments and background vocals form a beautiful 3D image with a flowing continuity between the sides and front. This amp has a continuous, holographic wrap-around quality; none of the previous amps came close to producing this quality of image depth. The Bipolar is the sweetest sounding, clearest, most 3D, impacting and tactile dynamic headphone amp in my collection."

List price is $2000 plus duty and VAT. For me in Germany that added about €600, so I paid about €2500. (The unit is still in Germany, so no further taxes if shipped within EU.)

Please PM re price if interested.

good morning
what price do you propose ?