Original owner of Schitt Mjolnir 2 headphone amp. Comes with original box and packaging along with included tube and solid state tube inserts. Also includes 2x Golden Lion tubes as upgrade.
Excellent condition and great sound.
Can also be used as preamp for active speakers.
$425. Buyer pays shipping from N. California.
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Wow, that is a SCREAMING price. I’m tempted to get a second… at that price, I could put an oversized tube rig as by bedside rig instead of the Jotunheim I currently have. This is my main office amp. Someone, someone get this and a Gumby and have a great time. Jealous of whoever gets this. I paid a couple hundred bucks more, and happily would do so again if I didn’t already have one.
(But my 2 cents is get different tubes - that’s a whole different can of worms, and everyone disagrees - but the fun is you get to tune it to your taste!)
Is this still available? I’m in Berkeley, CA and perhaps could pick it up.
Hi @Bernardo_Meurer_Cost. Yes, still available. I’m in Half Moon Bay so wouldn’t be much of a trip for you. Let me know by DM me. I’m around all weekend.
Yes it is. Please dm me if interested. Thanks.