Gabriel Fauré: Horizons - Track titles and work identifications are wrong (Qobuz)

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Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

This album is from Qobuz.

Description of the issue

In the Qobuz version of this album, the tracks are in correct sequential order, but every single title is wrong.

As evidence for the correct work order, I’ll copy a screenshot of the CD1 contents from the album’s booklet:

As you can see, the track lengths of the first four tracks as shown in my first screenshot (and of all following tracks) are correct and correspond to the works shown in the booklet. But every single title and work identification is wrong.

The same is true for CD2 of the album.

Edit: In the Qobuz app, the tracks appear in correct order and with correct titles and correctly grouped as to composition/work.

The Tidal version of the album shows the tracks out of order, but every track has the correct title and work/movement identification. In the case of the Tidal version, the incorrect track order can be corrected using Roon’s track grouping editor. Unfortunately, editing and correcting in Roon the erroneous titles of the tracks of the Qobuz version and have the tracks correctly grouped as works/compositions is hopeless.

Hi @Andreas_Philipp1 . You’re right that it’s a TIDAL problem. We de-duplicate streaming service releases on the basis of unique product code and in this example – unfortunately – our Qobuz version is inheriting the bad track structure from the TIDAL version.

I’ve reached out to TIDAL asking them to correct this.

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This problem is quite common with Tidal releases (I remember having posted about this time ago), and it was one of the reasons to happily embrace Qobuz, as soon as it was made available in my country. I’m not sure it is a good idea to ever let a Qobuz release inherit the track structure from the corresponding Tidal release for de-duplication…

Thanks for trying to get this corrected.

@Andreas_Philipp1 Can you give me some other examples? We have some proprietary code to fix up these bad releases, but TIDAL seemed to have fixed the problem, so that code was turned off. I’m happy to take another look at it again, but I need some pointers. Thanks.

@joel, for the last year I have been using Qobuz exclusively, so I haven’t put any more attention to Tidal’s often mixed-up track orders. I am remembering many problems with releases by particular labels; Linn Records releases were almost alway presenting bad track ordering on Tidal. Some releases by labels from the French Outhere outfit were affected too, as e.g. the Aparté label.

I am sorry to not being able to give you current precise examples. Haven’t ever before seen this on Qobuz, though.

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