Gain matching, my desktop system and HQ Player

Jussi was talking about gain matching recently and I have been experimenting as a result with where and how to control the volume in my desktop system with the idea of getting the best quality possible. I am aiming to upsample to DSD going forwards. But I am a bit overwhelmed with the all variables and unsure as to the best set-up.

I have dual boot desktop with Ubuntu and Windows 11. I have Adam F5 active speakers (discontinued now), RME ADI-2 DAC FS, fed by raspberry pi with NAA via the latest ropieee image connected over ethernet. I also connect to the DAC from the desktop PC via optical.

I am struggling a bit with gain matching, when I originally got the system it was way too loud. I have tried turning the speakers right down to attenuate. Recently I have also had the speakers back at 50% and then employing some inline attenuators at -30db. The volume on the speakers is hard to control exactly with just a twist knob on the rear. I would then use the DAC with Auto ref on, using the volume knob on the DAC typically would see it set to -15db in normal usage i.e. not too loud.

Now I would like to send DSD from HQ Player embedded I am playing again with the aim of best quality. This would also mean I can’t control the volume via the DAC knob, and I would need to do in software.

HQ Player Embedded comments/questions

  • I want to control volume by HQ Player, so have set to device volume in Roon.
  • I have set DoP
  • I have set 48k DSD
  • Start up volume adjusted to -13dBFS
  • Any help on volume control? or suggestions…

DAC comments/questions

  • Auto ref on or off?
  • If off, what ref level, -5dBu, +1dBu, +7dBu or +13 dBu
  • DSD is set to On
  • DSD filter is set to 50kHz
  • DSD Direct (Line) set to On

Speaker comments/questions

  • Should I turn down speaker volume or use attenuators?
  • The attenuators (JTS) have a choice of -10db, -20db or -30db

If I remove the attenuators completely, with auto ref off on the DAC, with ref level at -5dBu and then listen to some music HQ Player is reporting the volume is at -20 and its pretty loud, too much to talk over, maybe shout over! -25 -30 is probably what you might want to work too.

So, any thoughts on the best way to manage all these settings, speaker volume, inline attenuators, DAC volume, etc etc.?

Any help appreciated!

I would set the DAC to -5 dBu. And then adjust levels from the monitors down enough that turning HQPlayer volume to something like -6 dB would be loudest you’d ever want to listen. Then you still have 3 dB of extra available.

If this is not feasible because of the trim pot scale, then choose attenuator that gives you closest to such volume settings.

Thanks Jussi, I will have a go at this first and then report back.

I just wanted to report how well this has worked, thanks for the help and advice @jussi_laako

On my deskop set-up (rpi4 to RME ADI-2) I still use the inline attenuators, set to -10db, between the DAC and the Adam F5 speakers, with the speaker volume set to the halfway point, in HQP Embedded 4 I have Max volume set to 0, Min to -30dBFS. The start-up volume is set to -15dBFS. In Roon I have set it to ‘Device control’ on the volume. Finally, I re-added a Pi screen to my Rpi4 running ropieee with NAA enabled. So, this has given me the ability to adjust the volume directly on the pi screen which sits next to the RME on my desk. It works really well, and seems very solid.

On a related note, I am wondering if I should set up something similar on my HQP Embedded 5 main set-up, which currently uses a logitech remote to control the volume on my Topping pre90. I wonder if something similar could be done, but I would control the volume on my tablet, either on the Roon app or HQPD Control. I would need to set the volume to something appropriate on the pre first and then work from there I suppose…

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