Genres hierarchy problems

I know that it’s impossible any agreement about genres (that’s why the hierarchy should be customizable…).
anyway, here i make a couple of observations:

  1. “Alternative/Indie Rock” and “Alternative Pop/Rock” have exactly the same description:

    so, here it seems that rock subgenres are quite reduntant. As there are also a “Indie Rock” and “Indie Pop” subgenres, i would delete the “Alternative/Indie Rock”.

  2. there are three genres for film music: Soundtracks

    Film music (a subgenre of soundtracks)

    Film score (a subgenre of Classical!!!)

    and Original Score

so… i think this is overdimensioned!. in any case, i would avoid an independent “Film score” under Classical, it makes no sense. One album can be tagged both as “Classical” album AND a as “Soundtrack” or whatever.

  1. Avant-Garde is both a top level genre:

    and a Classical subgenre:

    this does not make much sense.

  2. if i can understand the big parent genre “Rock/Pop”, i don’t understand “Psychedelic/Garage”:

    reading the description, it makes no sense. I would leave “Psychedelic Rock”, while “Garage Rock” already exists.

  3. Goth rock is reported as a subgenre of Alternative/Indie". which is not the case.

    i would put it under the umbrella of Punk/New Wave.

  4. Euro-Pop

    i can read and sort of understand the description. but then… the artists reported as europop are… all non-english, local, pop artists of europe. which is not really the case.

  5. as an aside, i wouldn’t say that patty smith is a punk artist:

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