Getting NUC core to add folder on NAS

I have gotten my NUC up and running and have established it as the new core.

when I click add folder in storage section there are no choices in the “choose music folder”

im stuck as to what to do

thank you

more info:

My music is stored on my QNAP NAS (TS-453BT3)

My NUC is a NUC7i7BNH

I had been using the NAS as my Core as it came with a Roon App installed on it.

I disabled the App on my NAS because i was moving to using the NUC for the core.

I changed to another core in the roon app on my controller IMAC.

Now I cannot figure out how to scan/add my library or get the NUC to access it.

nothing appears when I try and Add a folder

thank you

I have a NUC7i7BNH with a large SSD that I keep my hi-res and favorite albums on.

Me extra storage is a spare PC that I loaded FreeNAS on and configured as my secondary storage. On my network, the NAS has an IP address of and the FLAC files are stored in a folder called “Music”.

So on the Roon software running on my NUC, I clicked Storage -> Add Folder and then in the lower left of the form clicked “Add Network Share”.

At this point another form popped up that allowed me to put in the IP address, folder & credentials for my NAS to create a new folder for Roon to access.

Does this process work for you or are you seeing something different / getting stuck somewhere?

thx…since I posted i figured it all out.

appreciate your response