GoldenSound’s response to Bob Stuart’s blog response

Ah, I see where this is going. Because I’m showing that mqa is getting money
even from those subscribers not even wanting to support it, I should be silenced and banned from the forum? [Moderated] I said I like Roon, but that I won’t subscribe to it as long as there’s no option to get Roon without mqa support.

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Moderators have closed this topic. Each “side” of the debate is flagging the others posts and they are both right. The debate, if that’s what it is, has strayed far from the topic AGAIN, and has reverted to the pro-MQA vs. anti-MQA kicking contest once more.

Posts about moderation should not be made in the thread. Open a new thread in the Forum section if you want to discuss moderation. Posts about moderation in this thread will be shifted into the existing Forum thread and answered in due course.

The Admins and Mods will not allow the Forum to degenerate into endlessly repetitive axe grinding about the same exhausted topic. Don’t start it up again in another thread.