Good news Qobuz arrive in Canada

Good news for Qobuz fans in Canada. QUB Quebecor music closes its doors and will join Qobuz who will soon announce its arrival.
The Quebec firm made the announcement today. Quebecor invested $120 million in Qobuz, which seemed to prevent Qobuz from entering Canada.
Now let’s see if this all comes to fruition.

in english

This is the end for QUB music
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Launched with great fanfare in May 2020, QUB music was destined to be a Quebec option for the online listening giants Spotify and Apple Music. But the service never met the hoped-for success.
Renaud Philippe Le Devoir Launched with great fanfare in May 2020, QUB music was destined to be a Quebec option for the online listening giants Spotify and Apple Music. But the service never met the hoped-for success.
Étienne Paré
3:18 pm
After announcing the elimination of 240 positions, Quebecor is cutting its digital component, notably in its QUB Music platform, which will cease its activities and merge with a major French player in online listening.

Launched with great fanfare in May 2020, QUB music was to be a 100% Quebec option for the online listening giants Spotify and Apple Music. But the service never met with the expected success, even though it offered its subscribers a competitive catalogue compared to other platforms.

According to our information, the playlists currently on the QUB Music app will soon be hosted on the French platform Qobuz, which will be entering Canada within the next few weeks. QUB Music subscribers will also be able to join Qobuz, of which Québecor was already one of the partners.

If QUB Music bows down, QUB Radio, Quebecor’s digital radio station, will survive this vast restructuring plan announced on Thursday, the details of which will be announced in the next few days. It is already known that the TVA Group will lay off 140 people, which corresponds to nearly 11% of its current staff. This division includes not only the TVA network and its specialty channels, but also MELS magazines and film studios.


Qobuz high-quality music platform soon available in Canada.

Good news for those in the Great White North wanting an alternative to Tidal with their Roon devices.

May 2023


Hopefully this really will happen, been talked about often!