Well I am no longer a member of the Lounge section of this forum again. This has been probably about the 5th time this has happened.
Even though I browse this forum often and also make comments, likes and such, I very seldom create a new post which I think is part of the requirement.
Well since I got kicked out again I thought that I would create a post just to see if it gets me back in…
Didn’t know there was a lounge forum. Probably wouldn’t interest me if you have to start threads though, I’m more of a lurker until I have something to contribute or ask questions about. Is it just an off topic/anything goes forum?
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Lounge you say, hopefully there are leather armchairs where I can comfortably smoke my pipe and relax in that rich aromatic man smell environment, whilst listening to my favourite tunes.
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Many thanks Sean. So, how do I become a regular, I assume posting, liking etc, but where can I find out all that data etc?
Is it laid down somewhere?
I think I can see the badges I have in my profile, but thats it.