Has the software quality fallen off a cliff?

The look of Roon has changed a little but mostly cosmetic look and feel stuff to facilitate the introduction of a new feature eg,. the recent Playlist upgrade

But in terms of “quality” I think not BTW how do you define the quality of a piece of software ?

As a regular reader / contributor to this forum I browse the issues people are seeing . ARC has had it’s moments but since I don’t use it I can’t comment.

The major cause of unrest seem to fall into a few categories , these have all been argued ad nauseum on the forum in the past.

1). Inadequate / inappropriate Hardware
“Oh I will just use this old laptop I don’t use anymore for Roon”
Under specified processors
low RAM etc .
I will be shot down for this but low spec NAS as a server seems common.

2). Inadequate networks and wrongly configured networks ,
eg using WiFi to connect Server>Router , in general WiFi will work but not anything like as well as a good ethernet cable.

Roon are quite clear as to what the requirements are to run the software.

There is to me only one unsolved bug which is how the iOS remote app keeps going to sleep and becoming unresponsive (I suspect at iOS behest) this does seem to be a real issue. The rest are probably isolated to individual users and individual user configurations.

If you believe you have a bug then report it in the normal manner giving as much detail as possible. There are many 'super users" who will chip in to help probably quicker than the formal support mechanism. “It doesn’t work” really is of no help diagnostically.

For reference I run Roon - ROCK on a 10i7 NUC , 32 gb RAM and a 4Tb internal SSD (previously on a desktop i7-7700 16gB RAM). I have used Roon for 7 years and to memory have never had a serious technical issue. The feature set another issue that will vary by user but the only bug that “bugs me” is the iOS one I mentioned.

Please fill in a formal support request and let’s see if we can help.

Just my 2p