I have a number of tickets in with bugs some confirmed some just been ignored.
I for one will say in my usage yes it’s less stable than it used to be.
iOS Lock Screen control sends audio to 100% when activated. Many users same issue no admittance of issue.
Remotes crash silently when in background or leaving a filter active. Been an issue since November nothing done as yet, confirmed bug
Editing albums on mobile is active when it should not be be, you get half of the ui, been a few months nothing done. Confirmed bug
Sharing album images comments don’t work haven’t for well over a year. Confirmed bug
We had the major Last.fm bug crashing core when using arc. Confirmed and fixed after Xmas took months to admit it was a fault.
Search meltdowns in November bringing things to a grinding halt. Ongoing issues crop up all the time.
Search is still not great and can crash or bring aa system to its knees when searching for certain parameters!!! The The for one. Confirmed issue ongoing investigation.
Exporting from USB drive crashes when it’s a certain amount of files. Confirmed bug.
Large library performance has got much worse, given unidentified albums as causes for some.
The qc of releases has dropped off more than anything else, we have had far too many releases cause mayhem and one was released and pulled causing more issues.
Roon, appears to be a complex bit of software and not everyone gets affected by these issues likely as they usage is different, don’t have that feature active, different hardware combinations . This doesn’t mean there isn’t problems when you don’t get them. I went 5-6 years not a problem since 2.0 it’s been a very mixed bag so yes I would say its got worse and I am not the only one who feels like this.