Headphone EQ in Roon with HQPlayer

Working, but now the Gain does not get saved. Can I use “-” (minus)

Oh, sorry about that, I was using point instead of comma

Yes, for mix gain you can choose dB (positive or negative) or linear multiplier (positive or negative).

For IIR plugins and such, gain is in dB, either positive or negative.

For example, if you want to invert phase of one pipeline with -6 dB gain, you can switch to linear gain with value -0.5.

P.S. Note that HQPlayer tries to be clever when it comes to decimal separators, such as ‘.’ vs ‘,’. But for some items like gain, it tends to stick to your locale setting. This is one of the complex GUI related aspects. “Process” is parsed at a different layer than “Gain”. So in worst case you may have some inconsistency. So for “Process” always use ‘.’ as decimal separator to not break the syntax. For gain, you should be able to use your locale specific format, which in Finland would be ‘,’ as decimal separtor.

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Works great and saved both Computer listening position and Main listening position.
Thanks for helping


I think @dabassgoesboomboom share a similar link, just in case here it’s another one for Headphone parametric EQ

So for my DT990, i downloaded here the raw parametric file (txt) :

Preamp: -5.8 dB
Filter 1: ON LSC Fc 105 Hz Gain 8.2 dB Q 0.70
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 74 Hz Gain -6.1 dB Q 0.37
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 651 Hz Gain 2.6 dB Q 0.41
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 4530 Hz Gain 3.8 dB Q 5.08
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 1063 Hz Gain -2.9 dB Q 2.11
Filter 6: ON HSC Fc 10000 Hz Gain -5.0 dB Q 0.70
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 6148 Hz Gain -2.6 dB Q 4.78
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 5139 Hz Gain 1.4 dB Q 3.91
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 2321 Hz Gain 0.8 dB Q 3.31
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 8014 Hz Gain -0.9 dB Q 5.02

And puted it in the two first lines in HQP.
That’s all folks ??

I choose parametric EQs rather Fixed Band EQs. It’s preferable ?
And no change about gain… it’s inclue in file (?)

Yes, looks correct.

You can use the “Plot” button on either of the lines to see how the EQ curve looks like.

Yes, parametric EQ is the correct one.

Yes, not necessary since the file already contains the preamp-line.

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3 clicks and it works !!
Thanks again Jussi :clap:

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