Heavy Hitters, incorrect artist and genre

Content you’re reporting an issue with

The album is called “Heavy Hitters”, by Mike LeDonne, Jeremy Pelt, Eric Alexander et al.

Listed in Qobuz here: Heavy Hitters, Mike LeDonne - Qobuz

Screenshot of the Qobuz listing:

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?

Yes… as far as I understand the meaning of this in the context of a Qobuz item. If I “edit” the album it shows the same (incorrect) metadata. No other data is found.

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Qobuz, though the Tidal copy seems to show the same issue.

Description of the issue

In Roon, the same (Qobuz) album cannot be found by artist name(s) or genre because both these fields are unrecognizable (“The Heavy Hitters” instead of “Mike LeDonne, Jeremy Pelt, Eric Alexander”, “Pop/Rock” instead of any type of jazz):

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