Hegel Ethernet vs USB Question on H390

so I have both connected …ethernet and USB tyo my Hegel
Ethernet sees Roon perfectly… vol control … shows as Roon on H390 limited to 192/DSD64
Via the USB, does not indicate Roon… Volume is only managed via the remote however higher resolution…and MQA if you use it or not…

I presume the reason USB has a limit on Roon(volume) usage is because it is driven by my Roon Core on a Mac Mini and USB is connected to that Mac ? compared to Ethernet connectivity …?

Any other limitations ?
eventually I will move my USB cable to my DAC and enable DAC loop on USB… I just find it odd that via USB we have a Volume limitation when connected to the Mac…


USB seldom allows control of volume especially on amps as they are generally analogue pres so dont have the option to control them digitally. Some have hybrid volume that may if they support USB HiD and some may be fully digital but still not allow it.

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