Help updating Arch Linux

As I’m guessing you saw in this thread Xz Utils malware reported today - Roon Software Discussion / ROCK - Roon Labs Community , I updated again today since it seems my OS was affected by that issue.

This time the update went faster and smoother. It didn’t ask me any questions. Although I didn’t have to reset any Audio settings in Roon like last time, AirPlay/Shairport broke again even though this time it didn’t appear the shairport-sync file changed like it did with the last update. Fortunately, rebooting a few times seemed to get it working again. I have no idea why this is happening, but I’m guessing it means I’ll have to fix AirPlay/Shairport each time I update the OS. :frowning_face:

Although I prefer not to add equipment, if this becomes a real hassle, I may just have to get a separate device for AirPlay. :persevere: