Help with two simple commands to make a IoT project

Hi! I’m trying to program a device that launches albums, playlists and radio stations via Arduino and NFC cards. Right now it works well. I save the album information (artist and album title) on small NFC cards on which I print the album cover, and the device calls the API by http when it reads that data from the NFC, and the ZoneId. My wife is delighted! For now I’m using Home Assistant with the “Roon Labs Music Player” integration in between. But I am trying to call the core directly, which I have installed on a MacOS computer.

I have tried with this extension:

And this one:

Javascript is the programming language I know best, so I’ve tried these two.
But I have seen that they are very focused on navigation.
To sum up. What I need is:
1: An endpoint where I can call to launch the playback of a specific album, playlist or radio.
2: Enpoints where I can get the list of albums, playlist and radio stations in the library, so I can record the NFCs. I suppose that for this I will have to make a loop with several requests per page and per type.

I hope I have explained myself.

Can someone guide me a bit?
If all goes well, I will be happy to publish the project.

And thanks for making Roon, which is giving us so many good moments.

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