High-End 32 bit Audio PC install RoonBridge_linuxx86

For my High-End 32 bit AudioPC I need a new roon-bridge install version Linux 32 bit. The last working download (Easy Install) is not in the download site anymore.

old Roon Bridge installer - this installer is not on the download site anymore

$ curl -O https://download.roonlabs.net/builds/roonbridge-installer-linuxx86.sh
$ chmod +x roonbridge-installer-linuxx86.sh
$ sudo ./roonbridge-installer-linuxx86.sh

“command line in *.sh : you see the https:// location on the server”

Error = “ NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.No such object: roon_updates/stable/RoonBridge_linuxx86.tar.bz2” As you can see this file is not on the server anymore

Is there a new location or file for a 32 bit linux download?
Hopefully someone can help.

You’ve not provided much info, but this…

cd ~
sudo -i
snap remove curl
apt update
apt install curl -y

Now try the installer again.

On second reading, download the latest installer. It’s a script that downloads the latest version of Roon Server; even if you get the older version to run, it’ll still download the latest version.

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