How can I connect Allo USbridge Sig running RopieeeXL to a Pi touch screen?

I have an Allo usb bridge signature and I do use ROPIEE Os. No problems, but I don’t think the RPI display will work with it

I am able to set up RPI display running Ropieee as a Roon extension and USBridge Sig as the Control Zone. It works perfectly. It is connected to to the network via WiFi so I can move it around and place it anywhere in the house.

My USBridge/Shanti LPS were replaced recently by Melco N1Z/2. The RPI display/Ropieee works with the Melco as well.

Something off topic. I have to say USBridge sig /Shanti combo is quite impressive. I was expecting vast improvement after replacing it with Melco N1Z/2 which costs almost 20 times more. There is improvement but definitely not huge.