How do I fix 2 import dates?

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Local Files

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

I added a single track from an album, then bought and added the rest of the album, but Roon thinks it’s different versions of the album. The only difference is the import date. All other metadata and file locations are the same.

I think you can click the three dots to the right of the single track and choose edit track and change the import date there. Or, you can do the same with the 43 tracks but you have to highlight all 43 tracks then choose edit tracks.

I did change the import date of the single track, to match the other 43 tracks using the 3 dots, but no luck.

I re-scanned both albums but Roon still says there’s 2 versions

Think I found the answer.

Long press to select them while in the ‘version’ screen.

Then choose ‘merge album’

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