How do I rip CD's into Roon?

I see my Nucleus has USB ports, if I connect an external CD/DVD drive what are the steps to rip the CDs? Obviously insert a CD then what?

I have several boxes of 100+ CD’s so relatively a good amount.

I am accessing current Nucleus from my Mac Mini computer. I also have a Nucleus One on order from RoonLabs. Current Nucleus I upgraded with 4TB SSD and have an 8TB SSD for the One when it arrives. I also have several TB in my Mac and on a Synology NAS I am setting up so way more than I need just need help in getting from CDs to digital Roon files.

I have also ordered a Bluesound Vault 2i, is that the best way or can I also rip directly from a drive?

Note that there are no ways to influence the resulting file and folder names, and tags are not written to the files, so this method is only suitable if you never want to use the files outside of Roon and you require minimal interaction.

If you want control, rip the CDs on your computer with dBPoweramp and copy them to the Nucleus’s storage


Good suggestion. I bought full dBpowerAmp license. I can connect my Pioneer BD/DVD/CD to the Mac Mini and use dBpowerAmp to do the ripping. I just successfully ripped all my current music by sharing my Music folder then pointing Roon to it. I think I’m ready to start.


What was confusing me is there is a video on Youtube by Hans Beekhuyzen of a Nucleus One.

Does this mean they have connected a drive directly to the Nucleus? I have a Pioneer BD/DVD/CD with USB cable I could use to connect it.

It’s all explained in the link that I posted above. When you attach a CD drive to the Nucleus, you get this “CD Ripper” entry. The limitations apply as mentioned.

Don’t forget also to do the best you can with tagging, Randall, before you let Roon near as much as a single track!

Yes, exactly. However, Roon does not embed any metadata into the files and it doesn’t handle box sets well. Rip using dbPoweramp with a PC, get the metadata straight, then copy the ripped Flac files to the Nucleus storage.


Daniel I appreciate your help and information. I’ve got several 100+ cd sets and several 25 to 50. It’ll be worth the time to do it all with dbPoweramp