How do the different sources Tidal and Qobuz mix?

But beware, if you create a playlist in Roon with a mix of tracks from Tidal and your local FLAC library then you may be in for some pain.

You’ll need to:

  • Export your playlist to a CSV file
  • Load it into Soundiz and hope that Soundiz can match the tracks against Qobuz — no guarantee it will, especially if it contains rare tracks and vinyl rips that don’t exist on the streaming services.
  • Sync that playlist back to Roon
  • Create an editable Roon Playlist from the Qobuz playlist — now possibly missing some tracks it couldn’t match.
  • Manually add back any missing tracks from your local library (you’ll have to check the CSV file to remember what these were)
  • Possibly replace any Qobuz tracks with local versions (no nice way to do this currently) if you don’t want to be tied to Qobuz — I often prefer having local tracks (over Qobuz) in my playlists so I can export them and create a ‘downloaded playlist’ in ARC.
  • Finally delete the old Qobuz playlist so that you don’t have two near duplicate copies of your playlist showing up in Roon.

The alternative is to manually work though your Roon playlist finding the new versions and deleting the old versions of tracks as you go, but again there is no nice way to do this automatically or even semi-automatically within Roon. In fact it’s a horrible, convoluted process.

100% Qobuz to Tidal, or Tidal to Qobuz is fine(ish) and can be achieved relatively easily with Soundiz. But as soon as you start mixing in local tracks, or want to give preference to local tracks it get complex and convoluted.