How do we use rating/favorites to change Roon suggestions?

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

QNAP TS-453bt3 latest firmware/iMac Pro 10.14.6, Roon 1.7 505/506 respectively

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

10GB Ethernet

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


How do we use rating/favorites to change Roon suggestions?

I am trying to figure out how to influence the “new releases for you” section. How do I tell Roon that I didn’t particularly like that album? If the selection is based on play history then it is going to be incorrect as I’ll be playing mostly things that I don’t like until I find one that I do.

I see that there are 5 black and white stars on the new releases albums. However I can’t select any of them to tell it this new release is not for me. If I go into the Albums section I am able to change the rating. I guess the default rating is Roons, since most of these albums I haven’t rated and certainly did not rate as being 5 star.

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As far as I understood, it’s how you interact with your library content and not with “New releases for you” what influences the suggestions.

For example artists in your library which you’ve :hearts:-ed will be used by Roon to decide what’s “new for you”.

How Roon mixes in what others played I don’t have any idea, really.

I’d be keen to know what inputs are considered in general - and so far haven’t seen this explained anywhere? I went through and :hearts:'d a bunch of artists and albums after seeing a suggestion that would help guide it. I’ve never used the star ratings in Roon, but would happily start doing that a bit more if I knew it helped with better recommendations.

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