How does roon recognize file system changes?

I used to run the Synology package, now I moved the server to an i7 ROCK.

My FLAC files are on the Synology, too.

I’m tuning my library (tags, covers, lyrics) A LOT. Previously all changes would reflect in roon almost immediately, but ROCK does not seem to care at all, other than the scheduled scan or the manual forced scan.

I understand I may be an edge case, and there is no real need for a ‘fix’.

Still, can you tell me what it takes for ROCK to ‘see’ a change, so I could create it through code, other than manually finding the menu 3 levels deep?

Any help appreciated.

My ROCK with internal storage recognizes new files automatically and immediately and I think that’s how it should be.

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That’s good to hear, but as I wrote, my files are on my NAS.

I see, I misunderstood and thought you had moved everything over.

When the server uses local storage, the OS usually provides mechanisms to watch for new files. Apparently that is the case on Synology as well.

But now that the files are accessed over the network, the mechanism is different and I believe that Synology might not signal new files over SMB; IIRC the question came up repeatedly. Not sure if something can be done about it. But I’m not a Synology user and may well be wrong.

See “Getting Roon’s Library to Update Automatically” in:

This applies even when using the Synology merely as a music source.

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