How safe is Roon ARC?

I live in the UK and I was reading the February edition of PC Pro (Local technology monthly) where Roon ARC was discussed. One of the contributing editiors, Jon Honeyball is a Roon fan and has mentioned Roon on a number of occassions.

Jon says in his artibcle (page 108) of ARC, that “opening an incoming route from the WAN to the LAN, is by definition, a security risk…” He goes go on to discuss some of the details but the general gist is he is not in favour of the approach.

Anyway, as a home user, this did give me pause as I was thinking of activating ARC in the future, so, is it safe to use? How safe?

Thanks for reading.

This has been discussed elsewhere, and using ARC is ultimately a decision about risk.

Here’s a short answer.

Risk is the possibility of something bad happening, so to put this in perspective, I think of ARC in terms of a locked front door in your home. If someone doesn’t have the key, they can’t get in. If someone you don’t know knocks on the door, you ignore them.

Should you have the door?

Here’s a lengthy discussion …


A post was split to a new topic: Definition of Risk

Thanks @Martin_Webster - I think I read some of that thread last year, I will have a read through again.

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