How to get ARC working with a Telenet Modem?

Hello all,

I try to get ROON ARC up and running. It used to work a while ago, but after some Roon updates and Netwerk issues, it doesn’t work anymore.

My Roon Core is connected via a Telenet Access Point to a Telenet Docsis Modem, and has a Static IP address.
On the modem UPNP has been activated, and a port forwarding rule is created via Roon. Nevertheless I get the following error message.

“connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkTimeout”,“status_code”:998,“error”:“”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_natpmp”:true},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”}

This is how the Port Forwarding rule has been created on the Modem.

Any suggestions how to solve this?

Hi @Cooper_Nalou,

If port number 55002 is the port number mentioned in the Roon App under Settings → Roon Arc then i would suggest you also fill in number 55002 in the field Externe poort in your port forwarding rule.

Kind regards,


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works perfectly on my telenet modem: interne and externe poort should both match what you setup in Roon ARC.

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The external port can’t be 0, it should be the same as the internal one, 52000 in your case, and this should be the same as Roon displays in the Roon ARC settings (as others have already said).

And based on your description I’m not clear on whether you have UPnP enabled AND have manually set up the port forwarding rule. It’s usually better to do one or the other (some routers don’t deal well if both UPnP and manual rules are enabled).

The protocol setting should be TCP, not BOTH, as Roon uses only TCP and not UDP. (Though probably having BOTH wouldn’t hurt)

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I’ve been using ARC for months on Telenet DOCSIS 3.1 E-ROUTER (DOCSIS) router without any issues.
Try to hook up the core directly in the router, not the access point.

No port forwarding needed. Standard configuration so no “expert” settings set.

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Hey @Cooper_Nalou,

Please give the above replies a try and let me know if you continue to run into issues getting Arc setup :+1:

Hello Benjamin, I have not yet have the time to do so, but will certainly report back when I have tested

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