How to get Roon to "prefer" Qobuz over Tidal?

When I search for an album, Roon (v1.6) picks one to play - and seems to choose the Tidal version even though there is a 24/96 Qobuz version available. I can manually open up the versions, scroll down to the highest bandwidth one and play from there … but can I have Room pick the highest bandwidth automatically? And if there is a Tidal MQA one alongside the non-MQA Qobuz HD one I’d also like it to pick Qobuz.


Something I’d love to understand too :slight_smile:


Does Roon pick one to play? I thought I picked the version I wanted to play!

The top search result is often times the Tidal Version.
We would like to know if there is an option to “tell” roon to show the highest possible resolution Qobuz as top search result (and not the Tidal version) so you DON’T have to click on Versions and scroll down and manually choose the highest resolution Qobuz version each time.
Can you understand this wish? :roll_eyes:
I’m really puzzled that there is no real answer to this IMHO valid request/wish after 3 months :thinking:


Could it have something to do with the order in which you log into the two services?
I just disabled my Tidal service and synch’ed my Qobuz, then renabled my Tidal service. Then when I added a new album to my library, it added the Qobuz version. Until now, Roon always preferred the Tidal version. But I’ve been a Tidal subscriber for years, and I only started using Qobuz a few months ago.

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The link below is to a discussion about Roon picking a lossy version of a track when there is a lossless version available, in the context of Roon Radio. The answer there probably applies to the question here: Roon Radio will emphasize finding the track that fits the playlist, and track quality is not considered. I got the feeling that we were being told, “you’ll listen to what we pick, and you’ll like it,” but maybe that’s a bit cynical.

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I also prefer Qobuz and only have a low tier on Tidal… but I must scroll through all the Tidal options to reach the Qobuz options. Allowing me to reorder the services would eliminate this.


I would like this option too. I prefer Qobuz but keep Tidal around to fill in the gaps missing from Qobuz.


I have the same issue with Roon showing Tidal results before Qobuz. This should be a relatively easy sort option, by service if not by highest resolution.

ROON can you implement please? Thanks in advance.


This is such a basic functionality. Is TIDAL paying Roon to prioritize TIDAL over Qobuz?


I would like to see this implemented as well. Thanks!


I seriously doubt that anybody is paying. You’d only see Tidal first if you already subscribed to Tidal.

I think it’s just a use case that Roon hasn’t implemented correctly.

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And again no feedback at all on this imho humble feature request :roll_eyes:
I found a workaround for me: I signed out from Tidal in roon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


And then? Signed in again? And then there’s Qobuz at the top and Tidal at the bottom?

Anyway, I want to have this setting, too!

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I tried that but roon still preferred mostly Tidal after re-signing in :rage:

As long as that is the case, I don’t sign into Tidal again and live with Qobuz alone happily for the time being :roll_eyes:


I too have noticed that an AAC lossy Tidal title is played instead of a high quality FLAC stream on Qobuz. We really need this fixed.


Just noticed this thread, and this behavior always confounded me. (Maybe the thread needs to move to Roon support?)

If it was entirely random, that would be one thing. Qobuz versions do show up as the default occasionally, but it seems like it’s 75% biased to Tidal. (Or maybe I only NOTICE it when it’s Tidal and I have to manually hunt down the Qobuz version!)

(Even more irritating is when a streaming version is preferred/default in the search results – when i have the same album in my ripped library, which it doesn’t see!)

Maybe @dylan or @john or one of the other Roon techies can speak to the logic, even if there’s not a definitive solution/fix yet.


Spot on. This is irritating and happens here as well.

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Likely the reason is popularity. Valence is about popularity not the service it’s in. So it finds the most popular version based on Roon users usage. I bet there are far more Tidal users overall than Qobuz, this will skew this towards using that specific version if it’s available to a user with both Tidal and Qobuz. Likely also explains why Radio is so piss poor with just one service. When I had both services it used to be so much more varied with much less repeats and would do long stints from both. I started to notice more of a bias to Tidal for certain genres where Tidal wins over content wise.

I could be wrong, but this like so many other radio issues have always been there and Roon seems to have no interest in fixing these things and admit that Valencr really isn’t that great a thing and are more happy to change the UI that didn’t need changing, loose functionality and break more things than fix the broken functionality of stuff it all already had.


Sad but true.

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