How to merge or edit record labels

I encountered a problem when setting a focus filter for my preferred record labels. Just noticed that several of them exist manyfold in roon´s internal database differing only in spelling or showing sub-labels:

That is particularly a problem as albums seem in most cases to be assigned to either of the different variants so I have no chance to see them all.

Is there any possibility to merge record labels or edit albums so that they are assigned to the correct label?

Maybe I am the only one filtering for record labels at times and having a lot of releases by more or less obscure (classical) labels in my collection? All my favorite labels seem to be affected: BIS, Pentatone, MDG, LSO Live, Telarc, Tacet, Chesky, Linn, CPO, ARS, Challenge, Channel Classics and many more…

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While there is no merge function that I’m aware of, label editing is one of the standard features in the album editor:

…as well as a standard “import setting” preference.

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Thanks, that one I tried already but it did not lead to the album being correctly assigned to roon´s ´LSO Live´ when I add a new label called ´LSO Live´.

Ich weiß nicht, ob es dir helfen wird und es funktioniert.

Ich hatte das gleiche Problem. Ich habe die für mich wichtigen Beschriftungen im Datei-Tag gespeichert und dann ein Lesezeichen gesetzt. Beispiel:
“MoFi” oder “Deutsche Grammophon”, “Stockfisch”, “MFSL” usw.

Ich habe die Einstellungen in ROON auf “Datei” eingestellt.Sie können auch ein Lesezeichen erstellen und ein Etikett mit mehreren Namen speichern. Alle markierten Etiketten mit den Alben werden dann unter dem Lesezeichen angezeigt, so dass Sie auch alle Alben unter einem Etikett im Lesezeichen verankert haben.

I have this same problem, especially with classical labels. I just select all the albums under the sub-labels and mass-edit to add the parent label name in the album editor interface. I have noticed when adding label names you need to type in all lower case in order for the labels to show up as options to choose. It’s a bit annoying. This are albums I added Deutsche Grammophon as the label to. They were orignally listed as Deutsche Grammophon (DG) by Qobuz.

Typically once I do that all the albums will show up on my preferred naming of the label, in this case Deutsche Grammophon. It sounds like you already tried that, but if not that is how I handle it.


Thanks a lot, that did the job! So I can at least manually assign the canonic spelling of a record label and use Focus filter for that one which I will do for the 10 or 15 most important labels.


Glad that worked for you. The label name provided by the labels to the streaming services is obviously wildly inconsistent, so i find myself doing this quite often. It’s annoying, but not the end of the world by any means.