Struggling to mount a NAS folder to receive backups of Roon - what am I missing?
In Roon if I do “Choose folder to backup to” > “Add network share” and enter “myserver. mydomain .co. uk/ foldername” (without the spaces) with correct smb user name and password I get a red box “There was an Unexpected error: Unexpected Error”
If I try mounting the drive in dietpi-drive_manager then it mounts ok, but applies uid=root and gid=root which means that Roon can’t open it because it doesn’t have permissions. I tried various tricks to change uid/gid: chown is ignored; specifying them in /etc/fstab and remountingdoesn’t do anything either.
Actually I want Roon’s backups to go to the NAS. I cant get the NAS drive mounted using Roon’s interface; nor can I access it if I mount it from outside Roon in dietpi.
And yes, Samba is working fine – I have mounted the music library successfully (using FQDN, same username and password). And as shown above I can mount it outside Roon, but it defaults to root which Roon can’t therefore write to
When you mount a Samba share on DietPi via dietpi-drive_manager, it is mounted as dietpi user and group, with 770 mode. Hence it should work to add the roonserver user to this group (which will be default with upcoming DietPi release):
sudo usermod -aG dietpi roonserver
Physical drives will be mounted by dietpi-drive_manager as root user, but you can create and chown a subdirectory:
Bizarrely it was consistently mounting the Samba share as root/root … but now it has reverted to dietpi/dietpi as expected.
Unfortunately that isn’t working. I can see the directory from within Roon now, but when I try to run a backup it says “Backup directory not available”.
EDIT: Stopping and restarting roonserver seems to have fixed this now. Thanks.