How to mount smb for Roon backups on dietpi

Struggling to mount a NAS folder to receive backups of Roon - what am I missing?

  1. In Roon if I do “Choose folder to backup to” > “Add network share” and enter “myserver. mydomain .co. uk/ foldername” (without the spaces) with correct smb user name and password I get a red box “There was an Unexpected error: Unexpected Error”

  2. If I try mounting the drive in dietpi-drive_manager then it mounts ok, but applies uid=root and gid=root which means that Roon can’t open it because it doesn’t have permissions. I tried various tricks to change uid/gid: chown is ignored; specifying them in /etc/fstab and remountingdoesn’t do anything either.

Suggestions please?

Specify the hostname, not a FQDN, or use the IP address. The folder isn’t needed, but the share should be provided.

So you’re trying to backup Roon to DietPi.

You may have mounted the drive but have you setup samba?

Both those alternatives are still giving UnexpectedError
and sorry it is share name that I am providing - edited above

Actually I want Roon’s backups to go to the NAS. I cant get the NAS drive mounted using Roon’s interface; nor can I access it if I mount it from outside Roon in dietpi.

And yes, Samba is working fine – I have mounted the music library successfully (using FQDN, same username and password). And as shown above I can mount it outside Roon, but it defaults to root which Roon can’t therefore write to

I see @MichaIng typing, so I’ll wait for my reply

When you mount a Samba share on DietPi via dietpi-drive_manager, it is mounted as dietpi user and group, with 770 mode. Hence it should work to add the roonserver user to this group (which will be default with upcoming DietPi release):

sudo usermod -aG dietpi roonserver

Physical drives will be mounted by dietpi-drive_manager as root user, but you can create and chown a subdirectory:

sudo mkdir /mnt/usb/roon_backup
sudo chown roonserver /mnt/usb/roon_backup

Many thanks.

Bizarrely it was consistently mounting the Samba share as root/root … but now it has reverted to dietpi/dietpi as expected.

Unfortunately that isn’t working. I can see the directory from within Roon now, but when I try to run a backup it says “Backup directory not available”.

EDIT: Stopping and restarting roonserver seems to have fixed this now. Thanks.

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Yes once permissions change you have to restart Roon for it to pick them up.